Marketing & Branding Comprehensive Marketing Support for Advisors The GVA Marketing team is equipped to assist our advisors with various forms of print & digital work – including websites, brand identity, social media, videos & podcasts, blog posts & press releases, direct mail campaigns, event planning and more. Depending on the scope GVA Marketing can recommend preferred vendors for design, print/direct mail, website builds, and social media management – all who have been vetted and negotiated. If needed the GVA Marketing team can help manage the efforts. Tailored Marketing for Your Transition Moving to independence and creating your own DBA can be an overwhelming task, and we are here to assist. Included in your transition package are the following marketing efforts: DBA Name DBA Logo (various sizes) & Brand Colors Initial Website Content, Build, and Hosting* Includes weekly GVAAM Marketing Commentary posted to the website. Website Responsiveness & SEO Business Card Design Email Signature Design Print Collateral Design** *Additional fees apply. **Pass-through costs may apply. Additional Marketing Support Options If interested in additional marketing support here are examples of services we provide***. Please contact the GVA Marketing Team with any questions, or to tailor a plan for you. Website Redesign Print Collateral & Direct Mailing Campaigns Promotional Materials Social Media Campaigns Paid Search Campaigns Email Marketing & Newsletters Local Marketing Efforts **Additional fees and pass-through costs may apply. GVA’s 8-Step Marketing Launch Guide We’ve created an 8-Step Marketing Launch Guide for Advisors looking to join GVA! Curious how we’ll take you to the finish line? Insert your information below and qualified responders will receive a copy of the Guide to the email provided. Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Name *FirstLast Current Name Employer Email *Current EmployerSubmit The GVA Way Learn more about GVA Marketing Through the GVA Podcast Series, The GVA Way. Advisor Edge: The GVA Way – Episode 3 Watch Video Advisor Edge: The GVA Way – Episode 4 Watch Video Questions? Let's talk! (610) 296-7630 Berwyn, PA 920 Cassatt Rd, Suite 202 Berwyn, PA 19312 (610) 296-7630 Wilmington, DE 1200 Pennsylvania Ave, Suite 202 Wilmington, DE 19806 (302) 483-7200 Braintree, MA 30 Braintree Hill Office Park, Suite 202 Braintree, MA 02184 (610) 296-7630 Boca Raton, FL 3837 NW Boca Raton Blvd, Suite 100 Boca Raton, FL 33431 (610) 296-7630